Stoic Values & Fundamentals
Stoic Icons

Episode 1: Cicero

Episode 2: Seneca

Episode 3: Epictetus
Guest Speakers
Stoics in Business
Practical Stoicism

Chris Gill | Stoicism & Nature
As a collective Stoic community we are always striving to understand and make an effective contribution to the greater good …

The Stoic Student
Managing Exams & Results through Stoicism.

Anya Leonard | The Stoic Filter
Using ancient philosophy for deciphering modern problems.

Stoicism & Leadership for Women
A panel discussion with Brittany Polat, Kathryn Koromilas and Meredith Kunz.

Responding to climate breakdown
How to approach the nature crisis: what should a Stoic do?

How Stoicism can help with Wellness
With Tim Lebon and Eve Riches.

Stoicism & Relationships
Webinar with Justin Stead & Eves Riches.

Stoicism & the Social Dilemma
Webinar with Justin Stead & Anastasia Haztivisalou.

A Stoic Start to 2021
Webinar with Justin Stead, Dr John Sellars, Dhruv Makwana & Sukhraj Gill.

Stoicism & Social Media
Webinar with Justin Stead, Dr John Sellars, Lori Hucia & Ross Paton.

Young Stoics: Why Stoicism?
Webinar with Justin Stead, Dhruv Makwana, Sukhraj Gill, Lori Hucia & Ross Paton.

Stoicism in & after lockdown
Webinar with Justin Stead & Professor Christopher Gill.

A conversation about Stoicism & the environment during the lockdown
Webinar with Justin Stead, Professor Christopher Gill & Tom Hill.

A conversation about Stoicism during the lockdown
Webinar with Justin Stead, Professor Christopher Gill & Dr John Sellars.
Stoics in Action

John Major | Queen Elizabeth's Reign
Prime Minister John Major eloquently pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth throughout her most difficult times. Her Life was a great …

Mark Hearn Tribute
A visionary business leader, devoted Father and Husband.

Dr Stephen Weiss
Author, educator & unique humanitarian

Pat Cash
Author, educator & unique humanitarian

Andrew Small
Stoicism within the HM prison system.

Tim Lebon
Stoicism as a guide for life.

Tom Hill
Stoicism & sustainability.

Stoic Panel
Q&A with the Aurelius Foundation.